Monday 16 March 2009

It's Been a While

since I last posted. Quite a lot has happened since I last did! Where to start...

I started my placement at the end of January. I'm now on week 8 and I don't want it to end! I've had such a good time so far and learned so much, I just want to keep going. I've done a few designs, some good, some bad. I've learned how to take criticism well, you can't be a baby in this industry! But I feel my skills are, and will continue, improving.

My auntie had a baby boy! He's now a week old (after being 5 weeks early) but it getting stronger and healthier everyday. I went to visit him for the first time yesterday and I started crying when I saw him, which I did not expect! He's just so bloomin' perfect.

I'm not looking forward to going back to Aberdeen, for fear of confrontation and awkwardness. And not feeling great about being in Oban over the summer while everyone else is in Glasgow. Fortunately, I don't need to go back to Aberdeen until May and that's only to hand in my work. Don't appreciate being expected to tidy up things that aren't my fault!

I've had my first paid job and it went well! I helped out a friend of my mum's promoting a Fairtrade Fashion show, designing two posters, tickets and postcards. I got paid for the postcards, which weren't part of the show. Very happy with the way it all went. Was also featured and credited in the paper!

I've turned 21! Feels slightly different but not much. Had a low key birthday with friends and family having a buffet at the house then a few of us going to a pub for drinks. Not as many people came as I would have liked but it was still a good night.

I'm working through a CSS book just now, so I'd better carry on with that.