Thursday 11 December 2008

School's (nearly) Out For Winter

There is one things standing between me and the end of term:

An essay.

It's not even something I hate doing now, the topic is actually really interesting. It's the time that's the problem. It's not actually due until NEXT Friday, but since I'm going home THIS Saturday, I would much rather get it done and out of the way so I can spend the holidays working on only my coursework. Uuugh.

I just saw a woman across the street press the traffic light button and carry on walking. Why did you do that? It's like that compulsion you have when you're a kid, to push every single thing that looks even remotely like a button.

Why do we write blogs and diaries? I'm trying to get my thoughts on the subject down in essay form. Or rather, are blogs taking over the notion of diaries? In this increasingly digital age, do objects have the capacity to be imbued with meaning and importance? Can objects be magical? Yes, I believe they can in this sense. That's the answer to the essay question, now to translate it from my brain and mouth, through my arms and out my fingertips and let them dance across the keyboard and type me a grade A essay....

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