Sunday 23 November 2008

Let it Snow!

Eeeee! I love snow. It's so much fun and just slightly....magical :D I want to retain a little bit of innocence before turning 21 and a qualified graphic designer which, according to a book on my amazon wishlist, will lead me to loosing my soul. eeep 8|

After that last rather ranty post I've decided to try and be a bit more positive and not look at things from such a negative angle. I used to be such a positive person but everything seems to be really getting to me these days! I think I have too much free time on my hands (damn I wish I got a job for this semester) Luckily, ye olde boss from WHSmith texted the other day and asked if I wanted hours over Christmas, so I've to give him a wee call tomorrow. Things are lookin up!

Monday 17 November 2008

Everybody wants to be a copycat

Actually no, who in their right mind would want to be a copycat? I'm working on an old film poster project at the moment and I chose to do the Aristocats, hence the title.

I can't stand people that copy others. It's probably the most pathetic thing you can do to somebody, another designer, a friend. Especially when they won't own up to it but instead pitch it as their own idea and make you look like a fool. This is probably a very immature rant but it's one thing that I cannot stand, and I wish I could say something to this person but unfortunately I have a distinct lack of balls (both a good and bad thing depending which way you take that statement) and cannot bring myself to say anything. Well, I pointed out how daft I looked when I presented the same concept right after them and all I get was a vague "yeah i know" which screams a guilty conscience in my opinion. I thought it wouldn't be so bad because I was certain that another person in the class would have come up with the same concept (due to my self deprecation I thought it was a fairly obvious idea) and it would just look like a few people thought similarly but when it's two people who are very close and live together it gets a bit suspicious when they have pretty much the same idea. I just feel so betrayed! In a way...

Maybe I'm being melodramatic.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

First Blog on the Moon

"I wasn't listening, I zoned out."

It's interesting what sentences can be funny at completely unexpected times! That's one advantage of having such an open flat, you can carry conversations without leaving the comfort of one's bed.

I've got a set up in the corner of my room next to the window that seems to have become a little makeshift workstation for myself. I can't wait to have a proper studio. I want a desk that is surrounded by shelves full of books and notepads and supplies and various other stationary products so that I can zoom around on my wheelie chair and grab whatever I need. One can dream.

Being a design student is rather hard this year. Lately I feel like I've been flailing in my projects. I'm almost never happy with what I come up with. I feel like my work is just so....amateur. I still can't define or pin down a style, or exactly what it is I want to do with my life. I'm really interested in web design, most of the digital based media really. I want to get better at using dreamweaver and flash and teach myself how to use fireworks. But first I better get cracking on that HTML book for my placement...