Sunday 23 November 2008

Let it Snow!

Eeeee! I love snow. It's so much fun and just slightly....magical :D I want to retain a little bit of innocence before turning 21 and a qualified graphic designer which, according to a book on my amazon wishlist, will lead me to loosing my soul. eeep 8|

After that last rather ranty post I've decided to try and be a bit more positive and not look at things from such a negative angle. I used to be such a positive person but everything seems to be really getting to me these days! I think I have too much free time on my hands (damn I wish I got a job for this semester) Luckily, ye olde boss from WHSmith texted the other day and asked if I wanted hours over Christmas, so I've to give him a wee call tomorrow. Things are lookin up!

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